You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 15, 2020.

Today’s pictures will be of a single country though it is Monday. I decided to put up pictures on a theme tomorrow instead, when I get back to Lakmahal.

The trip to Kenya was in August 2018 and I only have pictures here of the safari which took me to several parks. The accommodation was excellent throughout, even in the shared tent in Masai Mara where we began. I was fortunate to share with a Sri Lankan I had not known before, Asiri Dissanayake, a brilliant photographer who  shared his pictures with me later. Since however I confine myself here to my own, I cannot use the lovely shots of a little elusive leopard.

The first eight pictures here are of Masai Mara. The other highlight was Lake Nakuru, both for the boatride and for the magnificient flamingos in the park – and the lovely sight of zebras descending to a river while we were admiring the waterfall at its head.

was in 2018

Rajiva Wijesinha
