This section provides samples of materials which can also be found on the website of the Liberal Party of Sri Lanka ( , as part of its efforts to assist those who wish to improve their knowledge of English, and to find learning materials for children as well as other students. It will include the books written or edited by Prof Rajiva Wijesinha and Mrs Nirmali Hettiarachchi and their collaborators in the different series of publications for Learning English at various levels produced by the English Association of Sri Lanka during the 1990s.           

Some of these books have been published subsequently by Cambridge University Press in Delhi or by International Book House at 151 Dharmapala Road, Colombo 7. Here, and on the website, reproduction will be only of sample extracts from books still in print, which may be obtained from booksellers. The other books that will be found in full on the website may however be downloaded and used as required.           

The selection on the website will include sections from the ‘Guide to Studying and Thinking’, and related exercises, which were used to teach critical thinking on courses devised by Prof Wijesinha for Sabaragamuwa University and subsequently for the Sri Lanka Military Academy.  A few of these will also be reproduced here.           

Those wishing to find answers to any of the exercises in language or in critical thinking reproduced here should write to           

Chamil Prasad
Deputy Secretary General
Council for Liberal Democracy
8, Alfred House Road
Colombo 3

with details of the questions to which they wish to have a key. Answers to the first set of critical thinking exercises will be available on the website, but you are advised to try to solve the puzzles on your own before looking at the key.           

Historic Buildings

The original version of this book was written by Goolbai Gunasekara, Principal of the Asian International School, for students on the pre-University General English Language Training Programme conducted by the University Grants Commission. The programme was coordinated by Mrs Oranee Jansz and Prof Rajiva Wijesinha who added the exercises. Though the programme was closed down, Mrs Gunasekara kindly agreed to add more material, so that the book now covers all areas of the world and a wider range of historical periods, while more exercises have been added to develop more language competencies.           

This is taken from a selection of Materials for Easy Reading, more of which may be downloaded from the website of the Liberal Party of Sri Lanka ( in the English and Education Section. Books which are still in print may be obtained from International Book House, 151 A Dharmapala Mawata, Colombo 7.           

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English, Economics and Management 

This book is an adaptation by Prof Rajiva Wijesinha of the original volume by Gartney and Stroup that presented basic economic principles simply. The principles are essentially liberal, but their universality will be clear in the context of the development of social and economic theories all over the world in the last few decades. 
I am grateful to Michael Walker of the Canadian Fraser Institute for encouraging me to use this text for English Teaching. The book should be used in conjunction with A Handbook of English Grammar (Foundation Books, Cambridge University Press, India). The full text of English, Economics & Management, as well as other  English books and materials that can be downloaded to enhance your English knowledge, can be found on the website of the Liberal Party of Sri Lanka.     



1. Incentives Matter.             

2. There is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch.              

3. Voluntary Exchange Promotes Economic Progress.               

4. Transaction Costs are an Obstacle to Exchange; Reducing This Obstacle Will Help Promote Economic Progress.              

5. Increases in Real Income are Dependent Upon Increases in Real Output.             

6. The Four Sources of Income Growth are            

                            (a) Improvements in Worker Skills           

                            (b) Capital Formation           

                            (c) Technological Advancements           

                            (d) Better Economic Organization.              

7. Income is Compensation Derived from the Provision of Services to Others. People Earn Income by Helping Others.           

8. Profits Direct Businesses Toward Activities that Increase Wealth.             

9. The “Invisible Hand” Principle—Market Prices Bring Personal Self-interest and the General Welfare into Harmony.              

10. Ignoring Secondary Effects and Long-term Consequences is the Most Common Source of Error in Economics            

Liberal Party of Sri Lanka