You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 6, 2020.

Today’s pictures are from a journey to Andhra Pradesh in 2017, by when indeed it had been divided into two. I had been to Hyderabad before, so I did not go there, but saw Amaravati, the old Buddhist centre, where a new capital was being built for Andhra.

In Telengana I was delighted by Warangal, and I begin this display with its famous arch. I include some of the Buddhist art of Amaravati where there was also a great Hindu festival going on with frenzied dancing and drumming. Also included are examples of the cave temples I saw and still well preserved pictures. The last picture is of Vijayawada where I started, and from where I got a car to take me on an extensive round trip – though I have not been able to include the last couple of days when the scenery was fabulous.

Rajiva Wijesinha
