Finally last week I was able to get a few more roses for the new beds in the garden. Or rather for the one bed there, where I placed two plants, while one of the others I bought went into the bed by the pond beside the garage. The other went into the bed on the balcony where my first rose tree had flourished. But after four years it died, and a couple of replacements died more swiftly, the last orange one having dropped all its leaves and been reduced to a stub last month.

The plants have thus far done well, as can be seen from the contrast between their appearance when I got them and the luscious blossoms they now have. Then there were just buds, though in the orange plant on the balcony, one was just opening. The flower it came with seemed old, but it looked good, and looked good too in the second picture where you see the bud in full flower now.

The two plants in the bed in the garden had very small buds save for one slightly bigger one, seen at the right in the third picture. The fourth shows it in full flower with its companion, tiny in the third picture, further to the right, also now open. The orange one next to this one in that lower bed appears next, the bud now in blossom with its companion just beginning to open.

And then I show the two big roses down below in turn in tall their beauty, followed by a closer view of the orange one on the balcony.