You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 2, 2024.

The little tanks on the balcony also did well this year. The black mollies continued to flourish in the first one I had built, under the long flower bed on the east. They come in several sizes, indicative of their fecundity, and I think you can see in the second picture the littlest towards the bottom. There are also platies, and though I thought the predator had got many of them, it was only that they were fearful soon after the raid, and now they too appear in profusion of a morning.

The next tank along, under the seat on the east, had had catfish and Malavi, but all but one of the latter died, and I moved it, and the catfish of whom all but one had survived was also moved, to the waterfall pond as shown last week. Instead I introduced what I was told were green tiger barb, a species I have come to love since Lohan first introduced me to them. The stripes of the green ones are a joy to see, but they do not show up well in the picture that appears third.

But it shows how they dart about the place. And setting them off are two zebras which were in the same tank at the place I got them, so I added them on, and they provide vibrant colour which does show up in a picture.

The last two pictures are of the tiger barb I got initially, a few months back, and placed in the tank under the seat on the south side. They were shy at first, but now they appear straight away when I drop food in, and I think all have survived, the first two and then four I got later. I show a couple on their own, and then one (and perhaps another below) amongst the other colourful fish there.

But before all these I show the angels which now seem to be happy again. I showed this earlier, with a picture of them at the front of the tank, but the one of them inside was not very clear, and this one displays their brilliance.

Rajiva Wijesinha


March 2024